Why Hire Us

Flexible & Accommodating

Unlike other cleaning companies that charge expensive flat rates, high hourly fees, require a contract, or use specific cleaning products, at Magda’s Cleaning we pride ourselves in being flexible and accommodating to our customers’ needs and lifestyle. In addition to welcoming both one time or regular cleaning customers, we also provide free estimates which are based upon many factors such as, but not limited to, size and condition of house, in order to ensure a fair price. Moreover, if possible, we are happy to adjust our cleaning routine to any cleaning preferences (products, specific areas etc.) you may have.

In addition, all of our workers are screened and trained prior to cleanings and we are bonded and insured. Contact us and you would experience why several customers are working with us for many years and recommend our cleaning service to their friends and neighbors.

At Magda’s Cleaning we strive to meet the needs of our clients and provide them with excellent service and results. We understand that each household has specific needs, and as a result we cater our services to match your lifestyle. Our cleaning team is equipped with a standard basket of materials that gets the job done. However, if you have specific products or household appliances that you would like our cleaning team to use, feel free to let us know and we will gladly accommodate them.


Have questions? We’ve got answers. Check our most frequently asked questions here.

Have questions? We’ve got answers. Check our most frequently asked questions here.

Client Testimonial

“For the past four years we’ve been very satisfied with Magda’s Cleaning Service. Her crew is very thorough and pleasant to work with. Magdas. I highly recommend Magda’s Cleaning.”
Jeffrey K.

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